A raw and minimalistic apartment | Frama Studio apartment

Visiting the Frama Studio apartment was one of the most beautiful things I had seen in a long time, some might call it a bit to much and unfinished, to easy or something they have seen before elsewhere, but haven’t we seen almost everything before? For me as a lover of the raw, the different… […]

Reform Kitchen showroom visit | 3 days of design

Writing about a brand you got to know online is one thing, seeing the actual kitchen design and meeting the people behind the brand you have been emailing with is something else. During 3 days of design I had the chance to visit the Reform showroom and meet the team in Copenhagen. I first have […]

An historical mansion | HAY X Ahrend exhibition | 3 days of design

Visiting the HAY exhibition at the historical Lindencrone Palæ apartment in Copenhagen was one of the many highlights of my Copenhagen trip. The apartment, owned by Danish businessman Troels Holch Povlsen, was for the occasion decorated with a selection of HAY furniture in an apartment style setting. Main attraction was the installation build with the […]

MENU Space | 3 days of design

Can you believe it had been four years since I last visited Copenhagen, time seems to have passed so fast and were filled with small trips to different countries and fairs over the last years. Yet I have very fond memories of my first stay in Copenhagen where, together with a team of 8 other […]

STAY Copenhagen Design apartments | 3 days of Design

This last few days I visited Copenhagen for 3 Days of Design, the annual design event with over 70 brands opening their showrooms and different special events organised around the city. I had the pleasure to team up with STAY and call the Copenhagen Loft XL my home for three days. The area just across […]

Bloggerzone + Brands | Designtrade Copenhagen

Here is some more about the brands I worked with in the Bloggerzone at Designtrade last week. One of my absolute favorites was Nomess Copenhagen from who I borrowed the white shelves, they can be used, as you see on the picture below, in two different ways. Also the table in the center of our booths was […]